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Exploring Canada’s Circular Export Potential

A high-level scan of Canadian industry strengths that can contribute to the global circular economy transition

Christine Desrochers

Research Associate

Guest Blog: Negative policy feedbacks may hold New Brunswick back from decarbonizing its electricity sector

New Brunswick’s electricity sector is currently fueled by 80% non-emitting sources. Is the province’s success too good to be true?

Ontario's Need for 1.5 Million More Homes

Ontario needs to build 1.5 million homes in the next ten years to meet growing demand.

Building Climate Resilience in Canada's Pension Funds

Canadian pension funds must continually build climate resilience to protect both people and the planet

Jamie Sandison

EEPRN and Greening Growth Partnership Student Researcher 2020-2021

Student Blog: Innovation on Climate-related Risk Communication in Canada

Experts increasingly think the key to raising awareness and enhancing risk perceptions is through innovating our ability to communicate climate change in a meaningful way.

Dan Blumenkrans

Research Associate

Guest Blog: How do B.C. households spend carbon tax rebates?

New research suggests that when it comes to carbon tax rebates, it’s worth considering how delivery and labelling may affect perception and behaviour.

Helping regions help themselves: Place-based approaches to skills training have promise for clean growth

Smart Prosperity Institute’s new partnership with Future Skills Centre aims to unpack skills needs for driving clean growth and climate action through place-based approaches.

Lights out: Impacts of power outages are gendered and intersectional

Addressing the intersectional impacts of power outages can protect the most vulnerable in a world with climatic changes.

Jobs and skills in the transition to a net-zero economy: A foresight exercise

Canada’s skilled labour market has an opportunity to benefit from climate action. Preparing the workforce is critical to ensuring benefits from cleaner, more resilient growth in the decades to come.

Talha Awan

Research Associate

Mykensie Kendrick

Research Associate

Rebecca Babcock

Research and Communications Associate

Karianne Blank


Ontario Budget 2022: Telling a Clean Growth Story

SPI's Mike Moffatt breaks down key takeaways from the Ontario provincial budget.

Walking the talk on just transitions. Lessons from a recent audit

Key takeaways from the Just Transition Towards a Low-Carbon Economy audit

Shed Light, Build Resilience: Unearthing evidence on the gendered impacts of climate change in Canada

Looking at the gendered implications of climate change in Canada through an intersectional lens.

Shed Light, Build Resilience Series - Part 1

Uncovering the gendered and intersectional impacts of climate change on livelihoods in Canada
