The Smart Prosperity Institute and University College London, with support from the Economics and Environmental Policy Research Network (EEPRN) and the Greening Growth Partnership, have undertaken a research project to assess the fitness of Canada’s policy mix and governance system for achieving a low-carbon transition in the transportation sector.

The Sustainability Transitions and Innovation Review (STIR) project uses an innovative approach and methodology to guide a critical evaluative reflection on how policy mix and governance of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in Canada responds to the challenges of sustainability transitions, and how it compares to select economies around the world.

STIR is part of a growing family of analytical frameworks designed to analyze and assess progress towards the sustainability of countries. The approach differs from other frameworks both in the scope and the methodology of performing reviews. Unlike most other scoreboard or index exercises, STIR focuses predominantly on the role of policy mix and governance in fostering transition. The appraisal starts from a review of existing evidence and quantitative indicators and then involves experts and stakeholders to gather their perspectives on a country’s performance. The purpose is as much a review of performance as a formulation of feasible recommendations for improving policy and governance.

The result of this study will help inform ongoing policy debates related to Canada’s strengths and weaknesses for advancing a transformative low carbon transition in the road transportation sector.