October 28, 2018


On October 29th and 30th 2018, the Economics and Environmental Policy Research Network (EEPRN) Symposium took place at the University of Ottawa. Focusing on issues of natural capital and circular economy, this Symposium brought together the top environment-economy scholars from across Canada and the world, and policy experts from government and business. The agenda for the October 2018 Symposium can be found here.

The core objective of this Symposium was scoping a research agenda for our natural capital and circular economy work, identifying how research efforts within the EEPRN can support the advancement of key public policy aims over the coming years. To this end, presenters and discussants were asked to focus their remarks on highlighting possible research questions. A summary of these research questions and summary notes for each of the Symposium sessions are available here:

  1. Plenary I - Protected Areas and Species at Risk
  2. Panel I - Species at Risk and Market Based Instrument Applications on Public Lands
  3. Panel II - Economic Incentives for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation on Private Lands
  4. Lunch Keynote - Key Themes and Knowledge Gaps in Natural Capital Research: An Overview of the GGKP Natural Capital Working Group Research Programme
  5. Plenary II - Ecosystem Risk and Securitization
  6. Panel III - Ecosystem Risk and Securitization
  7. ECCC Keynote - Circular Economy Priorities, Opportunities and Challenges
  8. Panel IV - Perspectives on Opportunities/Challenges for a more Circular Economy
  9. Panel V - Policy Drivers for Greater Resource/Material Efficiency
  10. Panel VI - Transitioning to a Circular Economy - System Dynamics and Challenges
  11. Panel VII - Advancing research on Natural Infrastructure

If you have a particular expertise and interest in addressing one of these research questions, or feel that a key research question is missing, please contact us at research.network@smartprosperity.ca

To learn more about the Economics and Environmental Policy Research Network click here.