“Tooling Up for Climate Change” is a project led by Smart Prosperity Institute to share knowledge and policy findings to decision-makers across Canada on economic instruments for climate adaptation. The project is supported by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) through Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform.

NRCan chairs Canada’s Adaptation Platform which brings together provincial and territorial governments, federal departments, municipal representatives, industry associations, academia and professional organizations to collaborate on shared adaptation priorities and to enable the development and widespread use of adaptation information and tools.

Four research papers supported by NRCan through the Canada’s Adaptation Platform, with matching funding from several other organizations, have informed Tooling Up for Climate Change: Economic Instruments for Adaptation:

Economic Instruments for Adaptation to Climate Change in Forestry, prepared by University of British Columbia, in partnership with British Columbia’s Ministries of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations and the Environment.

Paying for Urban Infrastructure Adaptation in Canada, prepared by ACT (the Adaptation to Climate Change Team) at Simon Fraser University.

Promoting Adaptation in Private Real Estate Decisions, prepared by All One Sky Foundation.

Comparative Evaluation of Payments for Ecosystem Services and Other Economic Incentives to Encourage Climate Change Adaptation, prepared by Groupe Agéco and in collaboration with Ouranos Consortium.

More information on Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform is available on Natural Resources Canada’s website: https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/climate-change-adapting-impacts-and-reducing-emissions/21442