Canadians are dialled in to environmental and green economy issues like never before. That makes it more important than ever to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and Canadian decision-makers, influencers and the engaged public.

Join Smart Prosperity Institute for a special series of webinars targeted at green economy researchers that will teach practical skills for effectively communicating your research so that it informs opinions and shapes outcomes.  

The webinars will serve as a valuable training tool for researchers and students working in the environment-economy space that are looking to expand the reach and impact of their research amongst wider audiences, particularly policymakers, the media, and the public.


Webinar #1: How to get regular Canadians to pay attention to your research

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Canadians are forming opinions about the green economy on the fly, sometimes based on dubious information they find on social media or the web. Reaching them with your research means putting your research in a format that fits into the public’s daily information-gathering routine. This webinar will provide an overview of how regular Canadians consume information and look at some best practices for formatting research so that it gets consumed by this all-important audience. 


Webinar #2: How to write for policy makers

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Effectively conveying research findings to policymakers is critical to support effective and informed decision-making and policy results for a stronger, cleaner economy. This webinar will explore how students and researchers can successfully translate their findings into impactful Policy Briefs, reports, government submissions, and briefing notes.   


Webinar #3: How to write for, and engage with media

Watch the Webinar Video

Journalists are increasingly seeking to tell the story of Canada’s transition to a stronger, cleaner economy—backed up by solid and objective research findings. Though interacting with the media may seem intimidating, it is one of the key channels to provide maximum research impact. This webinar will serve as a “media training 101” crash-course for students and researchers in the basics, such as writing a press release, putting together a media backgrounder, and how to shine in a media interview.