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1. A plan for cutting pollution from cars and trucks [min 1:45]
Canadians drive the dirtiest cars on the planet, making transportation the second biggest source of climate pollution. There’s a three-step solution.

  • Merran Smith – Executive Director, Clean Energy Canada & Co-chair of the B.C. government’s Climate Solutions Council

- “The world’s dirtiest cars?”: Graphs and report by International Energy Agency
- “Taking the Wheel”: Report by Clean Energy Canada

2. The problem with carbon offsets [min 10:56]
Does paying two dollars to plant a tree undo the emissions of your last flight or of driving your car?

  • Nic Rivers – Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair in Climate and Energy Policy, University of Ottawa

“Can Ottawa build a carbon offsets market without greenwashing?”: Adam Radwanski, The Globe and Mail
- The trouble with offsets: Nic Rivers Twitter thread

3. 60-Second Report: “Reality Check: Carbon Emissions Inventory in the GTHA” [min 20:47]

- Check out the Report

4. “Five Other Things Happening in the Green Economy This Week” [min 22:28]

  • Mike Moffatt – Senior Director of Policy, Smart Prosperity Institute

- Read the blog on the “5 Other Things Happening in the Green Economy This Week”

Have feedback on this episode? Ideas for future episodes? 

Episode 11 includes music and clips from Eric Campbell, Audio Jungle and Zapsplat

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