October 14, 2016
The Smart Prosperity initiative was founded by respected Canadian leaders from business, think tanks, labour, Indigenous Peoples, youth, and NGO communities. Our purpose: To harness new thinking to map out and accelerate Canada’s transition to a stronger, cleaner economy.
This document offers a clear vision and roadmap for that transition, outlining the goals and rewards Canadians can achieve by moving in this direction and what it will take to make necessary progress. There is evidence all around us that Canada has the know-how to marry our economic and environmental values. The research and examples below demonstrate that seizing the best opportunity for Canada’s future means drawing on our time-tested strengths and historical experience. A clean, strong economy is the natural extension of our Canadian values and culture. But accelerating that transition at the pace required demands innovative thinking and a clear, unified national direction across all levels of government, all sectors of our economy, and civil society.